Victor Karlovich Stember - Gallery

Below you will find the current collection of Stember's artwork, however there are several pieces that still remain missing. Even though photography was not easily available during his time, luckily Victor was able to photograph some of his later work which may appear in the gallery as the only available image to display. Unfortunately color photography was unheard of at the time to bring out the true appearance and vibrance of the artwork. The black and white photos are all that remain until a newer photo can be taken and hopefully donated to this website for use in the gallery.

If you have any images or information regarding the location of Victor Stember's artwork that does not appear in this gallery, please
contact us and the family will be greatly appreciative. Each image in the gallery also contains a specific "Send a message about this artwork" link that will directly tie your message to the artwork. You may also upload your own images of the artwork that will be credited to you and added to the gallery.

The gallery is a continuous work in progress and any available details will appear underneath each image including:
  • Title of the artwork
  • Year the artwork was created
  • Last known location of the artwork
  • Interesting details/facts about the artwork
  • Any excerpt from Victor Stember's diary where he specifically mentions the artwork
  • Stember's original photo of the artwork
  • Links to any Studio or Family Photos where the artwork is visible
  • Photo of a postcard that was created using the artwork
  • A larger/fullsize image of the artwork
“I have become acquainted with Oscar Wilde, with his paradoxes. For instance “In the soul there is animality, in the body--spirituality.” I agree with this perfectly. However, Wild himself is not always true to himself in this appraisal of the body. For example, he always perceives more not the human being, but his covering--his clothes. He describes not the woman’s face, not what she is, what she represents, but what she is wearing. My vision, on the contrary, is affected by the face and even by the body of the model, through the clothes, not noticing the clothes and afterwards often being unable to tell what the subject wore. Yes, to me the body is spiritual. Every object has some kind of an abstract soul. So also, much the body of a human being. And what delights me, stimulates me, for instance, in the beauty of the female body is not only the nude form, but something mystical that is included in the form."

- Victor Stember
(excerpt from his Diary)
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